Eric Welch has just completed a review of Double Prey.
Full Review
There is something in us that seeks the mutual support and comfort of town where everyone knows everyone else, peoplehelp each other, and life is relatively simple in appearance. This isnot to say that bad things don't happen, but it's that quality, I think, that makes Steven Havill's Posadas Countypolice procedurals so appealing. You really like the characters, youwant to get to know them, and you wish they would pop over for dinnersome time. I've read about six of his books. While it's not necessary to read his stories in order, doing so doesprovide some context for the characters. His first seriesfollowed undersheriff Bill Gastner, as likable andcompetent a law enforcement officer one could ask for.
EstelleReyes-Guzman, now the undersheriff with Robert Torrez the sheriff, in Double Prey, is faced with multiple difficulties: aneighbor's boy, Butch, and her son, Francis, wereteasing a large rattlesnake with a Weed Whacker. The stringchopped up the snake's head, throwing a fang and venom intothe kid's eye. That required a medevac tripto Albuquerque while the next day, Butch's brother is foundin an arroyo, underneath his ATV having flown off the edge.Everything looks like a routine accident. But what was the olddust-encrusted handgun doing in the ATV's storage box? Andjust a day after having found the skeleton of a jaguar, a cat notseen in the area for years.
Havill writeswell, creates intriguing plots, and has created a family ofcharacters we really care about. I plan to read many more of hisbooks.
On Goodreads and Shelfari with connection to Facebook. Probably later on Amazon, haven't decided whether to post it there or not
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